
The formation of RUMA CA&E in 2020 was inspired by the success of UK farm animal sectors in reducing antibiotic use during the previous five years and will draw on those learnings to help protect important medicines for future human and animal use.

This new collaboration covers the responsible use of medicines in dogs, cats, rabbits, small mammals, exotic animals kept as pets, and equids. The aim is for the UK to lead the way in these sectors through evidence-based and measurable activities that will promote and enhance stewardship.

RUMA CA&E will focus initially on the responsible use of antibiotics. In agriculture, there has been a focus for a number of years on AMR and the responsible use of medicines with regard to the food chain and the environment. Until now though, there has been very little focus on companion animals and equids. Companion animals play a huge role in family life.

The PDSA Animal Wellbeing (PAW) Report shows that

0 %

Of UK adults own a pet


There are over 10 million dogs in the UK that live in close proximity with their owners


There are over 10 million cats in the UK that live in close proximity with their owners

While total antibiotic sales are reassuringly low with companion animals, even so, any use that is not in alignment with responsible use principles can lead to AMR.

The role and remit of the Alliance will cover


Through effective consultation with stakeholders, to establish specific targeted activities and research that will form the basis of agreed sector specific KPI development and monitoring. These KPI’s will ensure that specific goals are set and efforts are focused appropriately to demonstrate progress with strategic KPI’s for industry level reporting and practical KPI’s relevant to practitioners that will inform organisation or practice-wide activities


Assist stakeholders, associations and organisations across the sector to develop, endorse, implement and raise awareness of guidance and protocols on the stewardship and responsible use of medicines within the companion animal and equine sectors. The protocols and guidance will be practical, drive positive behaviour change, align with KPI’s and protect patients, owners and practitioners alike


Provide evidence of progress from the companion animal and equine sectors towards achieving the government 20-year vision and five-year national action plan for how the UK will contribute to containing and controlling


Alliance Members

Alliance Supporters

Take part in the Antibiotic Amnesty