About Us

What is RUMA CA&E?

RUMA CA&E is a voluntary cross sectoral alliance of stakeholder organisations from across the CA&E sectors – from regulatory to consulting room.

Provides leadership to the UK CA&E sectors, encouraging innovative and proactive efforts to improve the responsible use of medicines whilst optimising and protecting animal health and welfare, as well as human and environmental health and welfare

Uses evidence-based information to promote the responsible use of medicines in the CA&E sectors

Has a current focus on antimicrobial stewardship and resistance (AMR) and is committed to supporting a One Health strategy to address the risk

RUMA CA&E Vision

For the UK to lead the way in the responsible use of medicines in the Companion Animal and Equine sectors, through evidence-based and measurable activities that will improve the stewardship of medicines and optimise animal health and welfare, as well as related human and environmental health.

RUMA CA&E Mission

  1. To promote, enable and measure responsible use of medicines in the Companion Animal (including exotic animals kept as pets) and Equine sectors
  2. To promote evidence-based activities that influence and encourage behaviours that are consistent with the responsible use of medicines
  3. To engage stakeholders from across the Companion Animal and Equine sectors to promote collaborative activities that influence and encourage all parties to take ownership, responsibility and accountability for the stewardship of medicines

RUMA CA&E Responsibilities

  1. Provide a single, reliable and credible focal point for key messages and activities relating to the responsible use of medicines in the companion animal and equine sectors, initially focusing on antimicrobial stewardship and resistance (AMR) through the application of the principles: “Reduce, Refine, Replace”
  2. Create the awareness, engagement and buy-in for responsible use of medicines across the companion animal and equine sectors through effective liaison and collaboration with key influencing organisations and individuals
  3. Agree and define, through effective consultation, areas to establish specific targeted activities and research that will form the basis of agreed sector specific KPI development and monitoring. These KPI’s will ensure that specific goals are set and efforts are focused appropriately to demonstrate progress with:
    • Strategic KPI’s for industry level reporting
    • Practical KPI’s relevant to practitioners that will inform organisation or practice wide activities
  4. Assist stakeholders, associations and organisations to develop, endorse, implement and raise awareness of guidance and protocols on the stewardship and responsible use of medicines within the companion animal and equine sectors. The protocols and guidance will need to be practical, drive positive behaviour change, align with KPI progression, and protect patients, owners and practitioners alike
  5. Provide evidence of progress from the companion animal and equine sectors towards achieving the government 20-year vision and 5-year national action plan for how the UK will contribute to containing and controlling AMR,
  6. Provide a focal point of expertise and advice for government, regulatory and technological consultation when considering the development of strategies, legislation, regulations, codes or technologies relating to the companion animal and equine sectors

Species covered




Small Mammals

Exotic animals kept as pets


RUMA CA&E Stakeholders

RUMA CA&E is a multi-stakeholder organisation made up of:

  • Alliance members
  • Government/regulators in VMD, FSA, EA and devolved partners
  • Vets, Vet Nurses and other animal health professionals
  • Supply chain – retailers, brands, pharmaceutical companies, processors, food service
  • Insurance companies
  • Independent influencers
  • Politicians and peers
  • Central and devolved Government departments
  • Science community – research and funding organisations
  • Pressure group audiences
  • Human healthcare sector
  • Media
  • Public – citizens and consumers

The new body is separate to RUMA Agriculture apart from the name and areas of common interest.

In July 2020 RUMA CA&E participated in a RUMA and SfAM conference to provide an overview of our work. You can watch the session here: SfAM | Responsible antibiotic use in animals: change is coming