


ENOVAT Antimicrobial Use Guidelines Survey

RUMA CA&E is encouraging as many UK vets as possible to take part in the ENOVAT Antimicrobial Use Guidelines Survey. The information collated will enable any groups developing new guidelines, both in Europe and in other countries such as the UK, to incorporate key findings and generate more effective documents. Survey completion should take no longer than 10 minutes and the answers received could help shape the format of antibiotic guidance published all over Europe and is likely to influence and guide other countries in the coming years.

One of the objectives of the European Network for Optimization of Veterinary Antimicrobial Treatment (ENOVAT) is to create new (and improved) antibiotic use guideline documents for vets. To this end a survey has been designed that will collect feedback from veterinary practitioners working across Europe.

A recent European Parliament, Motion for a Resolution, proposed putting all World Health Organisation, Highest Priority Critical Important Antimicrobials (HPCIAs) on the reserved list for humans, effectively banning their use in animals. This would have prohibited the administration of macrolides, fluoroquinolones and 3rd generation cephalosporins in our small animal patients potentially compromising their health and welfare. In the face of widespread opposition from farm and companion animal vets across Europe, this motion was defeated. However, future appeals may be anticipated should antibiotic use in animals remain inappropriately high. To maintain our access to an effective range of molecules, there is an onus on veterinarians in all fields, to reduce, refine and rationalise antibiotic use.