

RUMA CA&E response to Competition and Markets Authority consultation on veterinary services

RUMA CA&E is reviewing the initial findings of the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) review and will be encouraging and consolidating feedback from its Alliance members over the coming weeks.

RUMA CA&E Secretary General, Steve Howard says: “RUMA CA&E is actively reviewing the details from the CMA consultation and we will be considering how the findings, the proposed Market Investigation, or any future actions that may be taken, relate to the responsible use of medicines so we can support discussions and help work towards constructive outcomes.

“Anything that helps to drive a deeper understanding of the veterinary sector is important. We are keen to further understand and support discussions around the modernisation of the regulatory framework, again with a particular focus for us on any activities related to the responsible use of medicines. We will engage with the CMA as appropriate aligned to our role and remit to help support the best outcomes for the profession, pet owners and their pets.”